Personal Retreat - My Own Reboot

The first time I thought about doing a personal retreat I thought it sounded extravagant, self-indulgent, and something people do because they weren't busy enough in their lives. Now, at 50, I find myself needing some time to regroup - my lifestyle, my patterns, the way I walk through life is not serving me - in fact, I believe it is killing me. I know that for some of you, if you know me and you are reading this - your first thought is, don't be so melodramatic Tracy. If you don't know me - then you may be thinking what is killing you? Where do I begin?

I spend a lot of time in my head - thinking about the past and the future.

I feel like I am always anxious and fearful - trying to anticipate what is next, because of this my body feels like it is always in fight/flight/freeze/submit.

My doctor said - while you are healthy Tracy (by the numbers - my cholesterol, my heart rate, etc) - this overactive adrenal situation will cause a heart attack.

I cannot seem to shut it off.

So, I decided to take a week off from my life (well not quite a week). Could I take me out of my normal day to day and reset? We will find out.

The planning part - set me off - what will I do while I am gone? The plan, to keep it simple, bring little with me, don't overthink it - WAS SO HARD TO DO!

Now, as I embark on this journey, I am optimistic, hopeful, and plan to surrender to whatever happens. Maybe nothing will - perhaps I leave and return well rested. Maybe something will - and I will see my life change in little ways.

I am leaving technology behind - social media, watching things, connecting online. I will let my husband know that I am okay - but other than that and some audio books and reading my kindle (which does nothing else, BTW). 

I won't be keeping up with my blog - but hope to have some fun things to report when I return. I will keep up my daily writing practice.



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