A Memory of my Grandfather (April 2020)

#inandoutoffocus - Poetry prompt from 30/30 - National Poetry Month - one poem a day

The image is blurred

But when I zoom in

I can see my grandfather’s face

Jawline set

Eyes flashing

As if there is a fire

In him he cannot contain

No smile

Nothing to show his feelings

He is surrounded by grandchildren 

Curious how disconnected

He seems

There is a sadness 

And a haunting look

To his serious face

But when you look at

The whole picture 

It looks like a family

Gathered for fun and food

When I remember him

He rarely smiled

His voice slightly gravelly

Serious and stern

I was only 17 when he died

My heart ached

At the thought of never

Seeing him again

Those rare times he did smile

It lit up his whole face


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