Expectations (May 2020)

Expectations…my husband and I heard something on a podcast or something that talked about stealth expectations (possibly Brene Brown). You know when you go somewhere or do something and you have this idea of what will happen - but you have shared this with no one. So, if those things don’t happen, and the person or persons you are with miss the mark, you are forever remembering how this event did not measure up

I talked to an employee today about expectations, does she know what is expected of her, and she noted that I may have a different expectation than that of her colleagues. She knows the expectation of the colleague because it is usually spoken aloud and that makes her nervous because whose expectations should she follow?

Good question - the next one is are we, and I mean me, making my expectations known? To my husband, to my friends, my family or my employees - expectations - are these the same as or different than plans, intentions, goals, or is there another word that wraps this up, hope

So the book I am reading by Pema Chodron says we should give up hope

Give up hope?

Why give up hope?

It's too heavy, it's too hard to give up hope or expectations


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