November - Gratitude Practice

A month of gratitude starts today with an absolutely beautiful fall day spending time with my sweetie. We primed pieces for the bunny hutch, went to the Farmer's Market, and made food together. It is in these moments I find that I am grateful for living in a place where I can buy vegetables from the farmer who grew them, grateful to have found a partner who enjoys cooking as much as I do, and grateful for the crisp cold autumn day that allows some outside activity. What are you grateful for? Will you join me this month in expressing gratitude for those things, those moments, those people or whatever you happen to be thankful/grateful for?
I may not be posting daily - but I will be doing this practice daily with
Tim Rebstock
- conferring at the end of the day about what we are most grateful for. I encourage you to do the same. I am also journalling about it and may post here on occasion.

I have always wanted to have a daily gratitude practice - and with fits and starts I have done this over time. Sometimes I post on social media, other times I think of three things I am grateful for and I have also done some journalling about gratitude. I think it is so easy to slip into the negative these days. I think I want to remind myself that there are positive things happening in the world. This is not to take away from what needs fixed or some of the truly horrific things that happen and continue to happen but instead to remind myself that there are things that are okay. I want to thank my yoga teacher Diane Sherman for introducing me to this practice with her online course - 28 Days of Gratitude.


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