Minimalism Curiosity

So it happens nearly every year - sometimes it happens in the Fall, sometimes in the Spring, and sometimes it seems like a January thing. I get this urge to THROW AWAY EVERYTHING!! I do not consider myself a hoarder - though when I watch a Hoarding show I think to myself, am I? I don't have piles of things you need to navigate through to get to any room in the house. We do have blank space on the floor but if you open any cabinet, drawer, closet door, you will see things artfully crammed into the space - tetrised (is that even a word) and stacked very carefully- only one way to stack works, everything else comes crashing out of the space if not stacked just so. I am married, so of course there are things I can get rid of - but there are things I think I should get rid up, but I cannot because I am not the only owner. My husband is definitely someone who needs to agree to get rid of certain things. We have a basement - so we can box things up and have them out of sight and out of mi...