New Year's Resolutions (1/10/2021)

Well, I landed on my goals, resolutions, and intentions for 2021. It was not easy and it did take me some time. At the beginning of the year I am often full of all sorts of ideas about how I would like the year to go. Many times I am looking at self improvement and making deals with myself about how this year will be different than the ones before. This time, after my post on 12/29/2020, I decided to sit will all of those whirling ideas and thoughts. Truth be told, I started thinking about things right around Winter Solstice. I would write things down and then sit with the ideas. I looked at 2020 with the help of my yoga instructor's New Years Exercise. I worked through 2020 on 12/31/2020 and then today, I set the space to work through the second half of the exercise - Clarify for 2021. I really enjoyed taking the time to reflect - though I will be honest with you I had originally intended to work with this piece last weekend. It felt rushed though, and so I decided I would let a full week of 2021 go by before deciding what I would like to consider for 2021. 

My word for the year is Brave.

1) Embrace the Pause

2) Set Boundaries and honor them

3) Explore Outside

4) Write

5) Meditate

6) Love Languages - Tim

7) Real Food, extra veggies

8) Timed tasks - to help focus

9) Connect with friends and family

10) Simplify spaces

I have a lot of other things that envision for 2021 - and feel like I want to share them with my readers (I think I may have one) but more importantly I want it to be out there - out in the universe so that somewhere it is recorded and I can look back and see how this year has gone. In years past - I have done the list of items - part resolutions, part goals, part list, part to do - and the part of me that loves to check things off loved that list. So, I decided to set my resolutions, goals, intentions at 10 - but made a list of 21 items I wanted to do/be/accomplish/resonate with in 2021 - some of them are in direct alignment with my 10 and some dive a little deeper. Here they are...

1) Rest without guilt

2) Create Book Circles (2)

3) Go on a personal writing retreat

4) Spokane Parks Book Project

5) The Four Agreements

6) Self Study through 8 Limbs of Yoga

7) Meditate Daily

8) Write Daily - post in blog once a week

9) Clear boundaries at work

10) Clear boundaries at home

11) Hydration

12) Time in Nature

13) Relationship building with Tim (Love Languages)

14) Simplify spaces

15) Hygge

16) Timed Tasks to help focus on task or chore at hand

17) Postcard Project

18) Genealogy with Family

19) Consider my purpose

20) Enneagram 6 exploration

21) Learn the language of emotions

So, where do you land on resolutions, intentions, or goals? I would love to hear from you.


  1. Love this sis and love hearing your own process.. finding what yours is. Thank you for sharing


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