30/30 National Poetry Month Challenge Continues



There was a turret
With large glass windows
Storm and screen inserts
A large window
In the center
I could go out and
Sit on the porch roof
Bunk beds, Attic
So stuffy in summer
And freezing cold
In winter
Froze my glass bottle collection
Filled with colored water
Blues, reds, pinks
From bottles dug
From the cistern out back
Large porch
Perched on cinder block
Watching trick or treaters
Pass by
Wooden house
Orange kitchen
Fruit border above
Pale wood cabinets
Wooden mantels
And fireplaces long forgotten
Pocket doors hidden by paneling
The cool room
For music practice
Refuge from summer heat
Fans cool in summer
And heater warms only
Kitchen as skirt billows
Around register
Couch for stories at night
And the low rumble of thunder
Signals rain is near
While the train’s sound
Rocks the house to sleep


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