Dictionary Roulette (Written 5/22/2021) - A description of Puck
The prompt was the group randomly picking pages from the dictionary and then our facilitator selected a word from each of the pages.
Celsius, uncut, al dente, amaretto, tuft
Use at least three - and try to use all of them.
he stared at me with his piercing green eyes - his irises like slits, he rubbed his head on the table and splayed his legs out leaving tufts of fur on the table, his fur remained uncut, even though it is our custom to shave him on occasion. His wild outdoor side not welcoming the grooming. We shaved him one winter desperate for some control of his hair, his mane, dark black mixed with a smokey grey and deep rusty red - depending on the time of the year. He would patiently sit while the brush when through his fur but only about 3 or 4 times before he'd whirl around to bite or snap. From a small kitten, received from an abandoned house, left or all that survived, he came to us one November. Still with his baby blues, his fur a black amaretto but long, tufts of it sneaking out from between his toes. He'd play for hours with his feel splayed - twisting and turning on his back wanting just enough love but then the wild would take over and you'd be left with streaks of red down white arms, little welts appearing where the baby claws had broken skin. It was cute when he was young, but as a teen, he could draw blood and bit harder, his message, you can try and tame me but I will not submit. After much discussion, we decided for the peace of the household, he needed to be free and we would weather the risk on cold damp days, not sure of the celsius conversion, we would let him out because he would sit at the door and howl, wanting to be let out. I had a rule with most of my cats, I had to trust them first, but he, I wasn't sure how he would fair.
Today I am grateful for this fur baby that came into my life. He is both wild and cuddly. I cannot imagine life without him in it.
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