First Thing in the Morning (Originally Written 5/5/2021)

 First thing in the morning I flutter my eyes open - sometimes its the increase in car activity or the sounds of a robin singing the morning song. I wake wondering what time it is and do I have a few minutes to just lay there, listening to the sounds or do I need to kick it into high gear and get ready for the day. Depending on the day, I like to lay there and stare at the ceiling. Looking at whatever light is coming through the heavy curtains. If I can see daylight at all I know it is getting light and maybe I need to get going. My first thought usually is where is Tim? an indicator of time, if he is snoring gently next to me, I know it is probably still a little early. If his spot is empty, I know I need to consider getting up. There are those moments when I check and he has slept through his alarm so it is all hands on deck to get up and get moving.

He prefers a silent ease into the day - he has a schedule from beginning to end. I'm usually consumed by the excitement of a new day, I find myself remembering to honor the quiet. 

I want to break into song

I hear our cat Puck, sensing our rise, start to paw at the basement door to be let out for treats and to go outside. I hear a rustle in the bunny pen where Pip is ready for her morning greens and banana slice. Perdita our older cat, is standing outside the bedroom door hoping to sneak in when Tim leaves for the bathroom to perch on me - trapping me in bed for a few more moments.

I lean over to turn on the radio - NPR for a few moments before getting up, I wrestle with whether this is the best way to start the day, with news? Some days like today, I hear a story about a sturgeon found in a river near Detroit that is large - 7 ft long and 240 lbs, maybe over 100 years old. Impressive. I love bird note, when I hear it, I know it is time for me to rise and begin my day. On the weekends my indicator is the weekend puzzle. Which, sometimes I end up snoozing through, my husband and I laugh about that, rising about 7:30am to turn on the radio in time to hear it and then waking at 8am with the final notes of the song. We both wonder how we could have felt so awake, and then miss it.

I love sitting at my kitchen table staring out into the yard. Watching the birds and the light change as the sun rises - the neighbor cat Denali making himself at home on the deck. The last raccoon boosting itself over the 6 foot high fence...not sure what it was doing in our yard. I am usually nursing a cup of coffee and tea - sometimes I do a hot mug meditation. Sometimes I light a candle. I think about those mornings when I would bolt out of bed and scurry, priding myself on the 10 minute from bed to door routine I had for so many years. Now, I love the slower start. 

Today I am grateful for coffee time with my sweetie - sitting side by side, sipping coffee and staring out into the backyard gently easing into this Friday.


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