Heat - I'm not a fan
Well, it is official, the PNW is having a heat wave. Yesterday it was 100. Today it will be higher, not sure what it will end up but it is predicted to be 105. That is right - 105. I thought to myself, how is this possible? For an area that is considered moderate - neither too hot or too cold. How can I be in a space where it will be 105 today? Let me be clear. I find temperatures above 70 to be too hot. In the winter my house is between 60-70 - usually 65 during the day, and 60 at night. I need it to be cool to sleep. In order to be active, I need it to be cool. I am amazed at people who embrace the heat. I am NOT one of them. I found out earlier this week that it was going to be hot. Not just 90s hot (which I am also not a fan of) but 100s hot. I immediately started to unravel. My husband said my freaking out was probably worse than what was actually going to happen. And, my brain just kind of flipped out. I went into fix it mode - how can I fix it and survive the weekend?
- I went to the store and got some provisions (no need to run errands in this heat)
- I scheduled the chores I wanted to complete for morning and pared down what that looked like
- I figured out a way to hook up our one room air conditioner in the living room
- I have a one room air conditioner in the bedroom (thank goodness for kind friends with old appliance to share)
- I planned what I would eat and drink
I do have something I was planning to do this evening, but I am concerned about my ability to be out in the heat at all. Nothing before 9pm I think...
So, I am hunkering down, YES I know people live in this all of the time - but not me, and I prefer the cool. I am sad because we have TONS of people here in homes and apartments without a/c because the temperatures here RARELY (like maybe a week) we go about 80. That is right 80.
Interestingly enough 4 years ago we had the same heat wave - but I think the high was 90.
So, I am sitting with these thoughts - the heat. The heat brings my inner anger to the surface - I have a whole lot less patience. My dosha in Aryuveda is Pitta. I am a Leo - you would think I would LOVE this heat - but in fact it makes me less tolerable to be around.
By the way I NEVER EVER complain about how cold it is - I love to snuggle in.
And yes - I am dreaming of snow.
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