New Year's Resolutions 12/29/2020

Where do you stand on resolutions? I have been making them for quite a long time - it used to be a journal entry - or sometimes it was a list on a random piece of paper or on a page of my calendar or planner. Then, Facebook has memorialized my resolutions since 2009. I used to keep the list to about 5 or 10 - people had their opinions about it - how many do you actually accomplish? What do you tell yourself if you do not do them? Call them goals, accomplishments, resolutions or intentions - I love this ritual. I love I have reoccurring themes. I read Gretchen Rubin's book The Happiness Project back in 2012 and inspired by the Happiness Project I decided to break it down by having one theme or focus a month. That only lasted until 2013 and I am not sure how successful I was. The thing is - I actually enjoy setting my sights on something - a goal, an intention, a resolution - a contract between me and me. The flip side can be when I disappoint myself...the negative self talk ...