Prompt - Someone taking a risk

She was nervous, almost to the point of inertia, how would she do it? It would require leaving all that she knew - her sisters, they were so close and her job, she loved teaching the students in the one room schoolhouse. Just a few of the neighbor kids on the surrounding farms. She loved seeing their bright and shining faces each morning. Those cold mornings with the rosy cheeks as they stumbled up the small hill - sometimes slogging through knee deep snow - stopping to throw one or two snowballs before finally coming in to warm up. Take off all of the layers and settle in. She was so used to getting up early, finishing up a few of her own morning chores then starting to walk to the school house to fire up the stove - so once the students arrived it would be warm - which reminded her - would the new teacher know how to do this? She’d heard on her last visit to town that it was a city girl taking her place - coming from Des Moines. Lots of rumor about - why here? In Exira, such a small ...