I Make Mistakes
I make mistakes - I make mistakes - I make mistakes. Today my work is to come to terms with making mistakes. In the past couple of weeks I have made some really big and really small mistakes. I feel like life is slowly slipping out of my control. The funny part is that it was never in my control. That is hard to admit to a recovering control freak. I often believe that I can get life to do what I will it to do, and that all happens without mistakes or stumbles. To see those words typed in front of me, I have to laugh. I have spent nearly 50 years trying to make sure I do everything right - to not do it right is to fail. I have to say there is something exhausting about this pattern and I think I am really ready to let it go. As a human on a learning journey, I do not know how I can really avoid making mistakes. How else will I learn? On an intellectual level, this makes sense. But, I often believe these things do not apply to ME. I am always telling people in my life - so you mess...